There is a c code called lua-pack.c, provided here, which is a lua extension for process hex string, I need to use it in openresty to process some network stream.
I install it in windows with lua5.1 and luarocks
I successfully get the lua-pack.dll. All the test ran successfully in command line mode like this
lua C:\projects\lua-pack\lua-pack\test.lua
But once I put this lua-pack.dll in openresty's dir, and use it, some exception will throw like
worker process 24892 exited with code C0000005
I can successfully compile (compile by makefile) in ubuntu and it functions right in openresty in linux. I tried to copy this to windows, and it throws exception says this so is not for windows use.
However, I noticed that in test.lua provided here by the author it require(pack) instead of require(lua_pack)
So I renamed the lua-pack.dll to pack.dll, then I got another exception
lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: error loading module 'pack' from file '.\pack.dll':
I do notice that this is a pack.lua in lua-rocks windows, I don't know whether this matters.
test.lua provided by the author start like this, this can be run in Windows command line
My code works in Linux openresty start like this
local bpack, bunpack
local string_pack = string.pack
local string_unpack = string.unpack
require "lua_pack"
bpack = string.pack
bunpack = string.unpack
-- luacheck: globals string.unpack
string.unpack = string_unpack
-- luacheck: globals string.pack
string.pack = string_pack