Hi everyone,
I'd like to announce a new release of lua-resty-mlcache, stamped 2.0.0.
It is available on LuaRocks and opm, as you might expect.
lua-resty-mlcache is a multi-level caching library for OpenResty
(lua_shared_dict + lua-resty-lrucache) which groups a lot of features
commonly needed by OpenResty applications such as caching, TTLs, cache
stampede mitigation, etc...
Additions in this release:
1. New purge() method to clear all cached items.
2. New 'shm_miss' option to cache misses in a separate
3. New 'l1_serializer' callback option to deserialize cached data
from lua_shared_dict to the Lua land.
Thanks to Julien Desgat from Cloudflare for the contribution!
4. New 'shm_set_tries' option to retry lua_shared_dict set() calls
and ensure LRU eviction when caching values of disparate sizes.
5. Allow the callback to return 'nil + err'.
6. Support for custom IPC modules for inter-workers invalidation
mlcache has served immensely in the past year and I hope it helps a few
of you as well!