Quick summary: I have a webpage with a single text area form input and submit button. When a user hits submit, the form is sent as a POST, with data in the request body. This string is then parsed, and submitted as a key-value pair to the redis cache backend. This is to store from-to URL redirects. This works fine with 50 lines, (100 URLs), but anything more than 100 lines (200 URLs) there is no data sent, and I am seeing a nil value.
The numbers I've stated I'm sure are arbitrary, but is this a known limit? I don't see anything in the logs from nginx regarding body_size too large, and I have tried various ways of increasing this apparent limit without any change in behaviour. The strannge thing is I can't find any errors.
I'm using this:
local data = ngx.req.get_body_data()
if data ~= nil then
-- do something here
ngx.say("Body too large...for some reason.")
And seeing the "Body too large..." issue.
Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.