I am running a testing to convert my openresty application into NginxPlus (some decision from management)
Currently I installed Nginx Plus Trial version 1.13.10
I also installed lua-nginx-module as dynamic module, version build number is 10013 (I assume is ngx_http_lua_module 0.10.13)
Now, I need to install lua-resty-core because I am using some function from it.
I do not have much experience on install lib or module from git hub source, I also did not find more info in the readme page.
From my best knowledge, I am just clone the git master code to my local Linux server, and run make install(I edited the install path in Makefile file), is this the correct way to install this Lib ?
So far it seem like the installation in working, but I am hitting error while start my application.
The error is hit on the version check from lib/resty/core/base.lua, the Error message is : ngx_http_lua_module 0.10.14 required
Obviously this message mean I need ngx_http_lua_module 0.10.14 to run it, but when I check lua-nginx-module again, the latest version is still ngx_http_lua_module 0.10.13
Any idea to solve this error ?