Consul truncates UDP DNS replies to a maximum of 3 entries
Normally that's not a problem because you'd re-resolve periodically and get another random set of 3 hosts.
But afaik nginx will resolve upstream addresses once at startup and never again.
I'm not sure if the nginx resolver will use TCP if it gets the truncate flag but you could try enabling that option to get the full set of 12.
On Thursday, 19 July 2018 09:16:10 UTC+1, Vinaykumar Sridharan wrote:
Hi, I'm facing an issue in consul dns load balancing. upstream url resolves 12 A records from consul, but openresty round-robin the requests over only 3 of them.
Is this a config issue or a bug? I'm using docker-openresty
Here is how my upstream config look like:
upstream solr_slave {
server solr-search-slave-service:8983;
Please help.