On 2/9/19 7:38 PM, Riya Fernando wrote:
> Hi,
> I am playing with openresty and I had a basic question. The downloadable
> tar.gz file and github directory of openresty seems to not have the same
> directory structure. I am trying to understand why. Can anyone help me
> out? Which one should I use to build openresty from scratch?
As explained on its website[1], OpenResty is a software bundle. Formal
releases of OpenResty are a bundle of relevant repositories from the
"openresty/" GitHub organization[2].
It is thus normal that the directory structure of a formal release (i.e.
a tarball) does not look like the contents of (for example) the
"openresty/lua-nginx-module" or "openresty/openresty" repositories. The
former being the ngx_lua C module (the main OpenResty component, but not
the only one), and the latter mostly containing tooling for the
OpenResty developers to generate the formal releases (nothing very
useful for you there).
Formal releases[3] *are* the final (and recommended) way of installing
OpenResty and using its components.
[1]: http://openresty.org/en/
[2]: https://github.com/openresty
[3]: http://openresty.org/en/download.html