What I found in my: /etc/apk/repositories - are the following entries: xxxx #/media/cdrom/apks http://alpine.mirror.wearetriple.com/v3.13/main http://alpine.mirror.wearetriple.com/v3.13/community #http://alpine.mirror.wearetriple.com/edge/main #http://alpine.mirror.wearetriple.com/edge/community #http://alpine.mirror.wearetriple.com/edge/testing
http://openresty.org/package/alpine/v3.13/main xxxxxx
http://openresty.org/package/alpine/v3.13/main If you click - This is not available, and I think This causes the error!
I must say I don't know where it is coming from? I messed around weeks ago on this VM machine and cannot remember! Is this essential?? What do you think could be a solution? THX
UPS!! I found That This Version v3.13 - DOS NOT EXIST! https://openresty.org/package/alpine/ When will it be UPDATED? PS: When can I expect an answer here?
The next official OpenResty release(most likely within a month) should include support for alpine v3.13.