I am new to redis and openresty. I've been able to setup openresty and query my redis data using examples available via google.
The mset I created has about 7500 hashes, each hash has exactly 10 key,value pairs i.e hash1 k1=v1 etc.
To get all hashes from this set i.e. hash1,hash2 etc I'm using scan with match hash*. This takes about 150ms which seems slow?
In order to test and improve the redis db, I need to use resty.redis in a standalone lua script instead of from inside openresty. I've been testing with luaredis as an alternative but it would be better to test directly with resty.redis package as I need to eventually use the redis cache in openresty
I haven't been able to find any such script. Can someone point me to an example if its available?