checking for LuaJIT library in
and /usr/home/lhm/ngx_openresty-
(specified by the LUAJIT_LIB and LUAJIT_INC env) ... not found
./configure: error: ngx_http_lua_module requires the Lua or
LuaJIT library and LUAJIT_LIB is defined as
and LUAJIT_INC (path for lua.h)
but we cannot find LuaJIT there.
ERROR: failed to run command: ./configure
--prefix=/usr/local/openresty/nginx \...
编译命令: ./configure --with-luajit
uname -a: FreeBSD lhm.com 8.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Feb
18 02:24:46 UTC 2011
root@almeida.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386
2013/12/15 Yichun Zhang (agentzh) <age...@gmail.com>:
> Hello folks!
> I am happy to announce that the new mainline version of ngx_openresty,
>, is now released:
> http://openresty.org/#Download
> Thanks all our contributors for making this happen!
> The highlights of this release are the new LuaJIT v2.1 engine and the
> lua-resty-core library.
> You should observe immediate speedup in your existing OpenResty/Lua
> apps after upgrading to this version. Sometimes the speedup can be 40%
> overall, as observed in CloudFlare's Lua WAF system. Sometimes it may
> just be 10%, as observed in CloudFlare's Lua CDN system. Thanks to all
> the new improvements in LuaJIT v2.1, especially the improvements in
> the JIT compiler; Mike Pall is my hero ;) Special thanks go to
> CloudFlare for kindly sponsoring 3 development phases in LuaJIT v2.1
> (and phase #4 is also coming!).
> The lua-resty-core library reimplements many Lua API functions
> provided by the ngx_lua module with LuaJIT FFI, which means user Lua
> code paths using these API functions can finally be JIT compiled by
> LuaJIT (they used to be interpreted by LuaJIT's interpreter only). So
> enabling lua-resty-core like below in nginx.conf may give another
> speedup in your Lua applications:
> init_by_lua '
> require "resty.core"
> ';
> Loading the resty.core module will replace a lot of ngx_lua's Lua API
> functions with resty.core's own FFI-based implementations. So you can
> easily compare the performance with and without lua-resty-core :)
> Enabling lua-resty-core in CloudFlare's Lua WAF system gives another
> 33% ~ 37% overall speedup. Whee!
> But if your don't have enough Lua code paths (actually) JIT compiled,
> you MAY observe slowdown after enabling lua-resty-core. So always
> benchmark the performance of your app before enabling lua-resty-core
> in production. Or just resolve or workaround the blockers in your Lua
> code paths that cannot be JIT compiled, with the aid of LuaJIT's jit.v
> or jit.dump modules. To use LuaJIT's jit.v or jit.dump modules to
> analyze your Lua apps running in OpenResty/Nginx, you can put the
> following lines into your nginx.conf's http {} block:
> init_by_lua '
> local verbose = false
> if verbose then
> local dump = require "jit.dump"
> dump.on("b", "/tmp/jit.log")
> else
> local v = require "jit.v"
> v.on("/tmp/jit.log")
> end
> require "resty.core"
> ';
> And load your app with tools like ab and weighttp to get your Lua code
> hot (for LuaJIT's JIT compiler). Then you can check the outputs in the
> file /tmp/jit.log for all the detailed information from the JIT
> compiler.
> Below is the complete change log for this release, as compared to the
> last (stable) release,
> * upgraded LuaJIT to v2.1-20131211.
> * see changes here:
> https://github.com/agentzh/luajit2/commits/v2.1-agentzh
> * bundled LuaRestyCoreLibrary 0.0.2.
> * this library reimplements LuaNginxModule's Lua API with
> LuaJIT FFI. see https://github.com/agentzh/lua-resty-core
> for more details.
> * upgraded LuaNginxModule to 0.9.3.
> * feature: added a lot of pure C API (without using any Lua
> VM's C API) for FFI-based Lua API implementations like
> LuaRestyCoreLibrary.
> * feature: allow creating 0-delay timers upon worker process
> existing.
> * feature: added new API function ngx.worker.exiting() for
> testing if the current worker process has started exiting.
> * feature: ngx.re.find() now accepts the optional 5th argument
> "nth" to control which submatch capture's indexes are
> returned. thanks Lance Li for the feature request.
> * feature: added new API for version numbers of both Nginx and
> LuaNginxModule itself: ngx.config.nginx_version and
> ngx.config.ngx_lua_version. thanks smallfish for the patch.
> * feature: added support for loading LuaJIT 2.1 bytecode files
> directly in *_by_lua_file configuration directives.
> * bugfix: ngx.req.set_header() did not completely override the
> existing request header with multiple values. thanks Aviram
> Cohen for the report.
> * bugfix: modifying request headers in a subrequest could lead
> to assertion failures and crashes. thanks leaf corcoran for
> the report.
> * bugfix: turning off lua_code_cache could lead to memory
> issues (segfaults and LuaJIT assertion failures) when Lua
> libraries using LuaJIT FFI were used. now we always create a
> clean separate Lua VM instance for every Nginx request
> served by us when the Lua code cache is disabled. thanks Ron
> Gomes for the report.
> * bugfix: the linker option "-E" is not support in Cygwin's
> linker; we should test "--export-all-symbols" at the same
> time. thanks Heero Zhang for the report.
> * bugfix: fixed the warnings from the Microsoft Visual C++
> compiler. thanks Edwin Cleton for the report.
> * optimize: optimized the implementation of ngx.headers_sent a
> bit.
> * doc: added new section "Statically Linking Pure Lua
> Modules":
> https://github.com/chaoslawful/lua-nginx-module#statically-l
> inking-pure-lua-modules
> * doc: typo fixes from Zheng Ping.
> * upgraded HeadersMoreNginxModule to 0.24.
> * bugfix: more_set_input_headers did not completely override
> the existing request header with multiple values. thanks
> Aviram Cohen for the report.
> * upgraded SetMiscNginxModule to 0.23.
> * feature: added new configuration directives
> set_formatted_gmt_time and set_formatted_local_time. thanks
> Trurl McByte for the patch.
> * upgraded MemcNginxModule to 0.14.
> * feature: added new configuration directive
> memc_ignore_client_abort. thanks Eldar Zaitov for the patch.
> * upgraded RdsJsonNginxModule to 0.13.
> * bugfix: fixed the warnings from the Microsoft Visual C++
> compiler. thanks Edwin Cleton for the report.
> * upgraded EchoNginxModule to 0.50.
> * bugfix: fixed the warnings from the Microsoft Visual C++
> compiler. thanks Edwin Cleton for the report.
> * upgraded ArrayVarNginxModule to 0.03.
> * bugfix: fixed the warnings from the Microsoft Visual C++
> compiler. thanks Edwin Cleton for the report.
> * upgraded RedisNginxModule module to 0.3.7.
> * see changes here:
> <http://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx/2013-December/041297.html>
> * feature: applied the larger_max_error_str patch to the nginx
> core to allow error log messages up to 4096 bytes and to allow
> the C macro "NGX_MAX_ERROR_STR" to be overridden from the
> outside.
> * feature: added new configure option
> "--with-pcre-conf-opt=OPTIONS" to the nginx core to allow custom
> PCRE ./configure build options. thanks Lance Li for the original
> patch.
> The HTML version of the change log with lots of helpful hyper-links
> can be browsed here:
> http://openresty.org/#ChangeLog1004003
> OpenResty (aka. ngx_openresty) is a full-fledged web application
> server by bundling the standard Nginx core, lots of 3rd-party Nginx
> modules and Lua libraries, as well as most of their external
> dependencies. See OpenResty's homepage for details:
> http://openresty.org/
> We have run extensive testing on our Amazon EC2 test cluster and
> ensured that all the components (including the Nginx core) play well
> together. The latest test report can always be found here:
> http://qa.openresty.org
> Have fun!
> -agentzh
> --