
After about two weeks' active development, the new development release of
ngx_openresty,, is now released:


Below is the change log for this release:

 *   bugfix: applied the add_core_vars_polluting_globals patch to fix
     a bug in the nginx core:

 *   bugfix: fixed the filter_finalize_hang patch for a regression in
     the image filters. thanks Maxim Dounin.

 *   upgraded LuaNginxModule to 0.5.0rc29.

     *   bugfix: cosocket:receive(0) was not allowed and would throw
         an error saying 0 was a bad pattern. thanks huang kun for
         reporting this issue. This issue at least made
         LuaRestyRedisLibrary reject reading 0-size values.

     *   bugfix: the set_by_lua directive did support nginx variable
         interpolation and there was no easy way to use the dollar
         sign characters in the literal Lua source. the
         set_by_lua_file directive still supports nginx variable
         interpolation in its lua file path argument. thanks Vittly
         for reporting this in github issue #111 and jinglong for the
         test in github pull #115.

     *   bugfix: fixed compilation errors when PCRE is missing.
         thanks Dirk Feytons for the patch.

     *   feature: added the "[lua]" prefix to the log messages
         produced by ngx.log() and print(). thanks Matthieu Tourne
         for the patches.

     *   feature: ngx.log() and print() now output more debugging
         info, i.e., the current lua source file name (if any), the
         current source line number, and the current calling Lua
         function name (if any), into the Nginx "error.log" file. An
         example message is "[error] 56651#0: *1 [lua] test.lua:6:
         bar(): hello". thanks Matthieu Tourne for the patch.

     *   feature: added the rewrite_by_lua_no_postpone directive
         which can control whether or not to disable postponing
         rewrite_by_lua and rewrite_by_lua_file to the end of the
         "access" request-processing phase. thanks Matthieu Tourne
         for the patches.

     *   feature: added new Lua method ngx.decode_args to decode
         URI-encoded query strings into Lua tables. thanks Matthieu
         Tourne for the patches.

     *   feature: the special $prefix and "${prefix"} notations can
         now be used in the directives lua_package_path and
         lua_package_cpath to indicate the nginx "server prefix" path
         (usually determined by the "-p PATH" command-line option
         while starting the Nginx server. thanks Matthieu Tourne for
         the patches.

     *   docs: various wording improvements in the documentation from
         Joshua Zhu.

 *   upgraded RdsJsonNginxModule to 0.12rc9.

     *   feature: added the "rds_json_errcode_key" directive to
         override the default "errcode" key in the JSON output.
         thanks Liseen Wan for the patches.

     *   feature: added the "rds_json_errstr_key" directive to
         override the default "errstr" key in the JSON output. thanks
         Liseen Wan for the patches.

 *   upgraded LuaRestyRedisLibrary to 0.09.

     *   feature: the "hmset" method can now take a key and a
         hash-like table as its arguments. thanks Brian Akins for the

     *   docs: fixed a typo found by Lance in "README".

The HTML version for this change log can be seen here:


Special thanks go to all our contributors and users for helping make this
happen :)

OpenResty (aka. ngx_openresty) is a full-fledged web application server by
bundling the standard Nginx core, lots of 3rd-party Nginx modules, as well
as most of their external dependencies. See OpenResty's homepage for more


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