Hi folks
OpenResty is just out to include the latest official NGINX
patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2016-4450):
Both the (portable) source code distribution and the Win32 binary
distribution are provided on this Download page.
Changes since the last (formal) version,
* bugfix: applied the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2016-4450).
Just a side note: we are currently busy preparing the next OpenResty release with the NGINX 1.9.15 core as well as a newer version
of LuaJIT v2.1. Stay tuned.
OpenResty is a full-fledged web platform by bundling the standard
Nginx core, Lua/LuaJIT, lots of
3rd-party Nginx modules and Lua libraries, as well as most of their
external dependencies. See OpenResty's homepage for details:
Best regards,