Hi, folks!

I'm happy to announce the new devel version of ngx_openresty,, has just been kicked off the door:


Here goes the complete change log, as compared to the last devel version,, released about a week ago:
  • upgraded LuaNginxModule to 0.5.0rc19.
    • feature: added new directive lua_http10_buffering which is on by default.
    • feature: added new constant ngx.DECLINED.
    • bugfix: access_by_lua could not work with the satisfy any configuration.
    • bugfix: now we recycle the special flush buffer and chain link for ngx.flush to prevent request-scoped memory leaks when emitting long data streams to the downstream.
  • upgraded SrcacheNginxModule to 0.13rc5.
    • feature: now srcache_store discards responses that are obviously truncated when the actual output data is shorter than what is declared in its Content-Length response header. thanks Greg Grensteiner.
    • bugfix: the access phase handler actually ran in a phase later than the access phase.
    • bugfix: HTTP HEAD requests that lead to a cache hits would cause memory issues like invalid reads.
  • upgraded LuaRestyRedisLibrary to 0.08.
    • feature: implemened redis pipelining API by adding new methods init_pipeline, commit_pipeline, and cancel_pipeline.

    8 years later
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