
I'm happy to announce that ngx_openresty devel version is just out:


Special thanks go to all of our contributors and users!

Here goes the complete change log for this release (as compared to the last devel version,, released a week ago):
  • upgraded LuaNginxModule to 0.5.0rc21.
    • bugfix: made the sha1 library (or OpenSSL) an optional dependency, as suggested by runner-mei in github issue #94.
    • bugfix: we did not declare C variables at the beginning of the current code block in ngx_http_lua_del_thread, reported by runner-mei in github issue #93.
    • bugfix: incorrectly used ngx_conf_log_error by feeding NGX_ERROR as the first argument, as reported by runner-mei in github issue #92.
    • bugfix: spelling errors in Lua exception message text.
  • upgraded EchoNginxModule to 0.38rc2.
    • bugfix: $echo_request_body variable was not able to work on arbitrary request body chains (i.e., more than 2 chain links), just like the standard $request_body variable that only processes the first two chain links. now $echo_request_body no longer has this limitation.
  • applied the upstream_pipelining patch to the nginx core, as discussed here: http://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx-devel/2012-March/002040.html this patch is required at least for the pipelined requests support in nginx upstream modules.

I'm going to release a stable version in the current 1.0.11.x series for ngx_openresty in the next few days or so. So you're very much encouraged to try this devel version out on your side and report any issues that you meet!



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