
  • Jan 10, 2022
  • Joined Sep 16, 2021
  • Hello,

    I have a question about the idea of lua code cache.

    In ngx_http_lua_cache_store_code, when the ref argument is not LUA_NOREF,
    we generate a new ref number and store ref:closure-factory and key:ref as
    KEY:VALUE into cache table; and in ngx_http_lua_cache_load_cache, when the
    ref argument is LUA_REFNIL, we first get ref by key and then get closure
    factory by ref from the cache table. I don't understand why we need the
    2-level cache, Wouldn't it slow down the process of loading code? Can we
    just use the ref for code not specified by file path which contains nginx
    variable(src_ref == LUA_NOREF)?

    Thanks in advance for the clarifications.
