
- Feb 26, 2021
- Joined Feb 5, 2021
新接触这个工具,有个上传下载文件的需求,和以前的帖子 【
https://forum.openresty.us/d/1699-6263d824b67a7d8e42e9c4b3def3263b 上传图片的功能,需要将图片传到redis中(其实是ssdb)】有点类似
现在想把图片做个处理再发到真正的服务器上【和nginx upstream类似】,各位大佬,这个该怎么处理?-- https://blog.csdn.net/u013412772/article/details/78626402
package.path = '../lualib/resty/?.lua;'
package.cpath = '../lualib/?.so;'local function get_filename(res)
local filename = ngx.re.match(res,'(.+)filename="(.+)"(.*)')
if filename then
return filename[2]
endlocal function upload()
local upload = require("upload")
local chunk_size = 4096local form, err = upload:new(nil,chunk_size,chunk_size) if not form then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to new upload: ", err) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) end local file local filelen=0 local filename local i=0 form:set_timeout(0) while true do local typ, res, err = form:read() if not typ then ngx.say("failed to read: ", err) return end if typ == "header" then if res[1] ~= "Content-Type" then filename = get_filename(res[2]) ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "filename: " .. filename) if filename then i=i+1 file = io.open(filename,"w+") if not file then ngx.say("failed to open file ") return end else end end elseif typ == "body" then if file then filelen= filelen + tonumber(string.len(res)) file:write(res) else end elseif typ == "part_end" then if file then file:close() file = nil ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "part_end done") --调用agent的bat脚本,并用agent的返回值代替下面say的内容 --local result = io.popen('test.bat') --local returnValue = result:read("*all") --ngx.say(returnValue) end elseif typ == "eof" then break else end end if i==0 then ngx.say("please upload at least one file!") return end ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "up done: ")
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "-------------start execute upload_package lua script--------------")
local request_method = ngx.var.request_method
if "POST" == request_method then
ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "-------------end execute upload_package lua script--------------")比如拿到这个文件内容,加些水印之类,通过lua直接上传到真正的服务器上呢?